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Bead Werewolf
- Introduction |
What is live Werewolf?Tabletop roleplaying normally involves sitting around a table with rulebooks, character sheets and dice at the ready. Live roleplaying, at least of the MET variety, involves a lot of players in one or two rooms, wandering around, talking to each other, watching, listening; the rules are diceless, but do have methods of deciding random results. Tabletop allows you to go anywhere your imagination takes you, live lends itself to more restricted settings. However the real advantages of live gaming are the large number of players involved, and the social interactions. I tend to find, also, that the potential for good roleplaying is improved by the 3D nature of the environment (i.e. you aren't confined to a chair). I am sure there are much better description and definitions of live roleplaying than that, and if anyone feels like sending me any, do. It can also be described, for instance, as a combination of improvisational theatre and stand-up comedy. Warnings of playing live WerewolfLive werewolf, from experience, is a very emotional game. It is very easy to get carried away and start holding someone physically, and it can add much to the game if all participants are happy. But note that this is not approved by White Wolf, and should not be approved of by any Storyteller, because in situations like that people can get hurt. So, if you find yourself to performing something physical yourself, STOP! and do a test for it. Similarly, remember to differentiate between IC and OOC feelings. An insult, proposal or swearing in character is just that, and should not reflect on real life. I know many highly religious people who are quite happy to play socio/psychopaths. Other RulesThis set of rules is based on common sense. This applies to behaviour as well: ruin peoples' game and you will not be invited back (that is not to say you cannot disagree with what players say, or do nasty things to their characters; just do not do it for the wrong reasons. The following rules apply to characters not players: Food, Drink and Drugs: no reasons why Werewolves can't down a decent lunch and a couple of pints. Taking drugs or too much alcohol makes you lose control in a way that is unpleasant for everyone else. Don't do it. Weapons: check with the ST of the game what prop weapons are allowed. Even if they are, don't swing them wildly or hit another player with them; make sure cap/bb guns are unloaded. If a player asks you not to touch them, hold them or point a weapon in their face, do as they ask; similarly, feel free to tell another player if their actions worry you. In character violence and intimidation can be resolved without players getting worried. Normals: do your best not to scare non-players who need to come into the area you are playing, or wander in by accident. Being polite and sensible can only be good for roleplaying. If this means you have to stop roleplaying for a short period, so be it. |
All new material ©copyright 2002 Aidan Bowes. All rights reserved.
Werewolf the Apocalypse and Minds Eye Theatre are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc.