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cast (saturday 24th january 2004) Niles_Niven - Asmodai Daniel_Masters/Black_Knight - Dingo D Dog Director - Picks-at-Flies episode 4: two men, a bar and a killerNick change: Picks-at-Flies -> The_Director Nick change: d1ng0 -> Daniel_Masters Asm0dai :: PaF I will need a bit of your help with what I said... The_Director :: Remember the Millennium City website at Nick change: Asm0dai -> Niles_Niven Daniel_Masters has an appointment with Mr. Niven. Daniel_Masters picks his "swordcane" umbrella and dresses in something snappy. Daniel_Masters heads over to the bar. Niles_Niven :: (after the Pub is closed... in the meantime I will go to the public library first and look all the articles in the time period his friend mentioned for his "idea".) The_Director :: The November sky is black, and a heavy drizzle permeates the air. Niles_Niven takes his coat and puts it on... he doesn't bother to clean his face... he looks haggard and worn... as an afterthought he returns to his room and opens a cupboard drawer with a small key from his keychain... The_Director :: Above the old streets of Oxford, the gleaming edifices of Millennium City rise high into the clouds. Niles_Niven takes out a small black box from the cupboard... The_Director :: The entire sky is glows with the city lights, and small figures can be seen crossing the walkways on the eighth and twelfth floors... Niles_Niven takes an old World War 1 Heyb revolver from the black box and checks it... Niles_Niven takes the long rope that is hanging from the ring at the bottom of the revolver and wraps it around the handle... The_Director :: Citizens of Millennium City shiver in their beds, wondering who will next be the target of the Zodiac Killer. Daniel_Masters decides to put on his heavy trenchcoat (with kevlar plates to protect somewhat against bullets). Niles_Niven puts on the safety and puts it back in his coat... Nick change: vacant -> Zodiac_Killer Zodiac_Killer :: Moohaha.... Muuhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Niles_Niven closes the box and the cupboard and leaves the room, taking his fedora and heading out on the streets of Oxford... Nick change: Zodiac_Killer -> vacant Niles_Niven :: ... the rain mirrored his mood perfectly... Daniel_Masters heads to the bar a bit early. The_Director :: In the distance, the old cathedral bell chimes eleven. The_Director :: Below the bridge on 14th Avenue the Dancing Lamb still stands amidst the wreckage of the old city. The_Director :: Beside it the former canal lies stagnant, although work has begun to remove some of the rubble that stops its flow. The_Director :: The lights are on, and there is the faint sound of the radio playing through the windows. The_Director :: And in the breeze swings the wooden sing bearing the image of the pub, the lamb dancing with the queen. The_Director :: The building itself is of faded red brick, although one side has obviously been rebuilt with whatever bricks could be found. Nick change: vacant -> Barman_Peter Niles_Niven is sitting at the bar.... next to him are at least two Pint glasses with foam still on the sides of the glasses, and a shot glass.... next to him is a bottle of whiskey... Barman_Peter rings the bell. Barman_Peter :: Last orders! Last orders! Come on you lazy lot, its almost time to get your fat asses out of here. Daniel_Masters enters. Barman_Peter looks over. Barman_Peter :: Sorry mate, I've just called last orders. Niles_Niven grabs the bottle by its upper part and pours another shot... Barman_Peter wipes the bar, picks up a couple of glasses, removes the whisky bottle... Niles_Niven :: hey... Niles_Niven :: Pete.. Niles_Niven :: leave it... Niles_Niven :: it dulls it... Daniel_Masters walks to the bar and sits down next to Niven. Barman_Peter :: Piss off Niles. Go and sleep it off in the backroom. Niles_Niven :: Yeah right... you never felt bad about others getting hurt because of you, did you? Barman_Peter sighs heavily. Niles_Niven sounded like he was trying to stab him with that remark... Daniel_Masters :: Mr. Niven ? Niles_Niven turns to him. Niles_Niven :: What! Barman_Peter goes around the tables picking up glasses. Niles_Niven sees him and seems surprised... Niles_Niven turns to Peter... Niles_Niven :: You know... I will do it... I’ll stay here... thanks for keeping me... at least... Niles_Niven staggers off to the backroom... Barman_Peter looks at Daniel. Barman_Peter :: You a friend? Daniel_Masters :: I suppose. Niles_Niven has left his hat on the counter... Barman_Peter :: Well... do me a favour and look after him for me while I lock up will you? Daniel_Masters :: I will. Daniel_Masters picks up the hat and follow Niven to the back room. Barman_Peter grunts and carries on with clearing up. Nick change: Barman_Peter -> vacant Niles_Niven is holding his head under a water spout... Niles_Niven has his whole head wet and the hem of his coat is also wet due to him pouring it without any concern for the rest... Daniel_Masters :: Mr. Niven? Niles_Niven closes the spout... and grabs a white towel... at least it should be white, but it seems like kit hasn't been washed in a while... The_Director :: Up in the rafters the Eel lies unnoticed by those below him. Niles_Niven dries of his face... The_Director :: (just keeping options open for another time) Niles_Niven grabs the chair from the small wooden round table in the room and pulls it to the corner and leans back... Niles_Niven takes a deep breath and puts the towel around his neck... Niles_Niven :: ... you... are ... early.. Daniel_Masters :: You figured it out. Good. Daniel_Masters :: You wanted us to meet. Niles_Niven :: Of course... Niles_Niven :: Don't mind me... Niles_Niven :: I’m just trying to forget the crap I’m in... Niles_Niven leans and puts his head back... Niles_Niven :: What do you have to say about that fabric... Niles_Niven :: the one that your company is making for the army... Niles_Niven :: the one that the bloody Zodiac is wearing!? Daniel_Masters :: It's perhaps interesting to know, but one of my drivers seem to have gotten his hands on some of the fabric when he disappeared. Daniel_Masters :: It didn't come up too much because nobody really liked the fellow. Niles_Niven :: ... you had all afternoon and evening... Niles_Niven :: ... you did look at it, rich kid? Daniel_Masters :: I do have a job to do, you know. But I've got his name, a good description of his hobbies (at least what some of his co-workers knew) and his address. Niles_Niven :: ... and the fabric? Daniel_Masters :: It's like Kevlar, only better. At the moment still very expensive. Niles_Niven :: and how could a maniac like that get his hands on it? Niles_Niven :: What is needed to make a suit like that? Daniel_Masters :: As I said before. The driver has gotten his hands on it when he disappeared. Daniel_Masters :: To make a suit.. needle and thread I think. Niles_Niven :: isn’t it supposed to be hard? Daniel_Masters :: It's woven, instead of solid. Daniel_Masters :: The driver might be the Zodiac Killer. Daniel_Masters :: or at least one of his henchmen. Niles_Niven laughs... Niles_Niven :: spidersilk... Niles_Niven closes his eyes and leans on his hand... Niles_Niven :: ... Niles_Niven :: Someone should go there... Niles_Niven :: ... my head is starting to hurt... Niles_Niven :: ... let's wait till it subsides... Niles_Niven :: maybe we should talk... about the last few days... Daniel_Masters :: Not a bad idea. Niles_Niven :: I met the bastard today... in person... Niles_Niven :: He attacked the police station... Daniel_Masters :: I've heard about that. Niles_Niven :: ... no you didn't. Niles_Niven :: You heard the media version... Niles_Niven :: ...about a terrorist attack with explosives... Daniel_Masters :: Actually the cops at my factory made the real events pretty clear. Niles_Niven :: ... that maniac strolled in, killed two policeman, wounded one without any effort, then grabbed an arestee... he took him to the roof and impaled him on top of it... Niles_Niven :: ... then he filleted the man... Niles_Niven :: bit by bit... Niles_Niven :: ... he was still alive when I realised he was there... Niles_Niven :: ... he had him there... for almost an hour... Niles_Niven :: he was cutting of bits... Niles_Niven :: and the man was still alive... Daniel_Masters nods. Niles_Niven :: ... Niles_Niven breathes in deep. Daniel_Masters :: So what leads do you have? Niles_Niven :: ... what would a blade that seems to pop into the place of a man's hand, that is extremely sharp and can fillet people... Niles_Niven :: mean to you..? Niles_Niven :: You should be familiar with blades... Niles_Niven :: It was almost as long as a whole man's hand... Daniel_Masters :: (does that ring a bell ??) Daniel_Masters :: Well there's switch blades except.... Daniel_Masters :: unless the hand was a fake, a blade such as you described is impossible. Niles_Niven :: the hand moved... Niles_Niven :: it looked human... not like a prothesis... Niles_Niven :: (prosthetic... sorry a Croatian word...) The_Director :: (nope, that was the correct word) Niles_Niven :: (oh ?) AC_Newton :: (I think prosthetics should be the proper one) The_Director :: (prosthesis = prosthetic limb) AC_Newton :: (We had that in our English class last week only ^_^) Niles_Niven :: (I didn't know that... thx :)) The_Director bows. AC_Newton :: (Heh. In German we don't have the "s". We have "Prothese" Niles_Niven :: Anyway let's go from the start... Daniel_Masters :: So if that's all you have... we should take a look at the address of this driver. Niles_Niven :: There were two killings... Niles_Niven :: these were wither a test for the Killer's equipment, or minor debts he had to settle... Niles_Niven :: the Zodiac Killer was first seen then... Niles_Niven :: he was treated with about as much faith as you were... Niles_Niven :: then the council man was killed. Niles_Niven sighs. Niles_Niven :: A friend of mine called me in to help him with it... Niles_Niven :: after analysis of the place I found a number of things... Niles_Niven :: pieces of your spidersilk were there... Niles_Niven :: then there was the door... Niles_Niven :: either a martial artist, or a man of awesome strength opened it. Niles_Niven :: He tore it apart... and got in... Daniel_Masters :: Mastrox. Niles_Niven :: The thing is that the councilman seems to have let in the... Niles_Niven :: Who? Daniel_Masters :: The material, it's called Mastrox Niles_Niven :: Oh... Niles_Niven :: Anyway... Niles_Niven :: the councilman let his killer in... Niles_Niven :: the body position proves it... Niles_Niven :: ... he either exited and then came back ripping the doors open... or there were two people there... Niles_Niven :: the 4th murder points to there being two people... Daniel_Masters :: But do you have any leads? Niles_Niven :: I do... Niles_Niven :: but lets take this bit by bit Niles_Niven :: On that evening... Niles_Niven :: I met you... after pursuing a number of contacts... Niles_Niven :: the thing is that a trap was sprung... Niles_Niven :: the three man you helped me dispatch were waiting for me... Niles_Niven :: ... and that I was expected is what the tape confirmed... Niles_Niven :: ... after that evening I went after that contact... Niles_Niven :: but the guy is gone... Niles_Niven :: he is hiding at the Gallatea... Niles_Niven :: and whenever I tried to get close a number of bruisers were there... Niles_Niven :: ... this is about the time that the report was put on... Niles_Niven :: With all that new influence... Niles_Niven :: did you look into that tape? Niles_Niven :: That camera had to be where you and I were... Daniel_Masters :: It seems that Tes.. Miss Duin received the tape. Niles_Niven :: And the reportage? Daniel_Masters :: She got tipped. Niles_Niven :: That is about when you started with your attention gathering idea... Daniel_Masters :: Yes. Daniel_Masters :: Which backfired. Niles_Niven :: Yes... I’d like to hear why you did it... Niles_Niven :: and did you gain anything through it... Niles_Niven :: other then me getting who you are... Daniel_Masters :: Just a single address. Niles_Niven :: ... so why didn't you use it? Niles_Niven :: You were put into a position where you could do a lot of things just like asking.. Niles_Niven :: For instance did you even talk with the people who made the report? Niles_Niven :: Or looked into the camera type used to record your entry? Daniel_Masters :: Because that wasn't my intent. Niles_Niven :: ... what was your intent? Daniel_Masters :: To draw the Zodiac Killer's attention to me. Niles_Niven laughs aloud... Niles_Niven :: You obviously missed the point... Niles_Niven :: The Zodiac Killer is not some silly misguided Anarchist who attacks figures of authority... The_Director :: ok halt Niles_Niven :: ... all of his killings are planned and done so he can cover his plan... Niles_Niven :: (halted...) The_Director :: Everyone roll savvy. Niles_Niven rolled 5d10 dice and got: 3, 2, 8, 1, 3 Daniel_Masters rolled 4d10 dice and got: 2, 2, 9, 9 Niles_Niven :: (1) Daniel_Masters :: (2 here) The_Director :: Daniel, you get there first: all of those murdered by the killer are criminals, or heavily involved with them. Niles_Niven :: (I knew that actually...) Niles_Niven :: (you implied it at the site of every killing...) Daniel_Masters :: (tell me something new) The_Director :: (ok... I just wanted to bring it up) Niles_Niven :: (the corrupt councilman, the lawyer of the mafia and the criminals) Niles_Niven :: You see... Niles_Niven :: the Killer is either a vigilante, this is doubt for vigilante's would take more care about people who do the job they do... and they wouldn't kill the police... Niles_Niven :: ... the other option is that someone is doing a vendetta or a control war... Daniel_Masters :: Then why hasn't anyone retaliated. Niles_Niven :: because they cannot attack a ghost... Niles_Niven :: and for all purposes... the Killer is a ghost... Daniel_Masters :: We definitely need to go to this address, we might find more tangible leads there. The_Director :: Everyone roll Occult. The_Director :: I think you have been thinking about this enough. Daniel_Masters :: (default to?) The_Director :: Int. Daniel_Masters rolled 2d10 dice and got: 8, 1 Niles_Niven rolled 4d10 dice and got: 9, 6, 8, 6 Daniel_Masters :: (1) Niles_Niven :: (2) The_Director :: Niles: only you really get this, because Daniel is still unaware of a couple of things. The_Director :: First off, both of you are aware that he leaves a sing of the zodiac on each body, and each is killed in a specific way. The_Director :: This makes the 3rd killing Scorpio and the 4th Libra, and presumably the other two followed suit. The_Director :: It also makes you wonder about the weapons... do they have a theme? Niles_Niven takes a small notepad and starts writing some things... as in to check the birth dates... and the ways the first two were killed... Niles_Niven :: ... interesting... Niles_Niven :: (what is the 5th sign?) AC_Newton :: Leo Niles_Niven :: Oh crap... Niles_Niven suddenly widens his eyes... The_Director :: (Ah, well... you have the wonder of the Internet at your disposal so I ain't going to give that away!) AC_Newton :: (Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces) The_Director :: Thanks Stayka, but I don't expect the characters to necessarily remember the order or dates. Niles_Niven :: The killings! Daniel_Masters :: What about them ? Niles_Niven :: How could I have been so blind... Niles_Niven :: I thought those killings were connected... but the zodiac killer is being poetic... Daniel_Masters :: How so ? Niles_Niven :: Remember the signs on the victims? Niles_Niven :: The newscasts said each one was marked... Niles_Niven :: Yet I overlooked this simple thing when I got there... Niles_Niven :: Everyone is getting killed according to a Zodiac sign... Niles_Niven :: I need to check the first two... Niles_Niven :: but the bloody mess on the councillor’s head... Niles_Niven :: It was the Scorpio! Niles_Niven :: And he was stabbed. Niles_Niven :: The Lawyer was crushed by the scales of justice... Libra... The_Director :: Ok, I am going to cut it here... lets move on while Niles thinks. The_Director :: Almond House is a run down block of flats where many low-paid workers live. The_Director :: On the fourth story is the house of Richard Colts. The_Director :: You can assume Niles has extrapolated on the way over. The_Director :: (For the confused, Richard Colts is the missing driver.) Daniel_Masters :: Can you open the door, Mr. Niven. I could, but not in the most subtle way. Niles_Niven waits next to the door and tries to listen next to it... The_Director :: Time passes. Niles_Niven looks at the doors next to the flat. Niles_Niven :: (Are any of the doors open ?) The_Director :: No, everything is closed up. The_Director :: It is about 1am after all... Niles_Niven kneels close to the door and looks at the lock... Niles_Niven looks carefully at the door and then takes out a small metal piece from his coat and places it into the lock... he quickly fishes out another and puts it from above... he tries to silently open the lock... Niles_Niven slowly puts the locks in and carefully moves over, searching the key protrusion... Niles_Niven carefully tumbles it and the lock makes a soft click... Niles_Niven :: Niles_Niven puts his finger over his mouth... Niles_Niven quickly opens the door and shows Daniel to enter... Daniel_Masters quietly enters. The_Director :: The place is completely bare. The_Director :: The place stinks to high heaven, and there are burn marks in the front room. Daniel_Masters rubs his nose. Niles_Niven :: ... quite refreshing... isn't it...? Niles_Niven says silently. Daniel_Masters :: I wonder what's causing the smell. Niles_Niven :: ... I am not sure I want to know... The_Director :: It seems to be coming from the front room. Niles_Niven :: ... let's search this place quickly... if we are sure no one is home we turn the lights and I try to get as much info as possible. Daniel_Masters :: Let's search. Niles_Niven :: Well in the name of your worldly education I suggest you go and discover a new small for your palette... Niles_Niven grins. The_Director :: It looks as if someone lit a big bonfire in the middle of the front room. The_Director :: everything is there, chairs, food, rubbish. The_Director :: It is a miracle the place did not burn down. Niles_Niven tries to find the source of the fire. Niles_Niven :: (where it started) The_Director :: In the middle of the bonfire probably. The_Director :: The other smell - apart from that of burned carpet - is from a dead cat hanging in the window. The_Director :: It looks like it was split open and its entrails left to fall as they may on the windowsill. Niles_Niven :: This looks... Niles_Niven :: ... odd. Niles_Niven :: (What about the other rooms?) The_Director :: There is only a bedroom, bathroom and living room/kitchen. The_Director :: Everywhere has been cleared. Niles_Niven :: (does it look lived in ?) Niles_Niven :: (what do my supersenses register ?) The_Director :: Not any more. The_Director :: On the floor, fluttering slightly in the wind, is a loose leaf from a book. Daniel_Masters picks up the leaf. Niles_Niven grabs it and takes a look. The_Director :: It says in flowing handwriting, "~ng of demons and spirits." Niles_Niven :: Oh wonderful. Niles_Niven :: We seem to have another nutjob here... Niles_Niven :: This explains the cat Niles_Niven :: And the burning of this place... Niles_Niven goes and looks over the whole place with his Detective Sense (TM). The_Director :: Alertness rolls please. Niles_Niven :: (I need to roll them?) The_Director :: Both of you. Daniel_Masters :: (awareness) The_Director :: (yeah, ok...) Daniel_Masters rolled 5d10 dice and got: 10, 10, 5, 10, 9 Niles_Niven rolled 7d10 dice and got: 5, 3, 1, 10, 10, 1, 3 Daniel_Masters :: (whoot) Niles_Niven :: (2) Daniel_Masters :: (4) The_Director :: You both see a green-masked head rise up past the open window, he seems like he is pointing his left hand at Niles. Nick change: vacant -> Zodiac_Killer The_Director :: And you both get an extra action. Niles_Niven :: (oh crud!) Niles_Niven :: (Threat Awareness ?) Niles_Niven :: (left hand was the blade hand ?) The_Director :: (yeah, that gives you the free action) The_Director :: (no, blade was right) Niles_Niven :: (okay, this frightens me more) Niles_Niven :: (could we get a description of the room ?) The_Director :: You are in a small living room/kitchen, only about 5x4 meters. The way in is to the right of the room, the kitchen to the left and the open window in the middle. The_Director :: Unfortunately, Niles, there is the remains of the bonfire between you and the door. Niles_Niven :: (is there anything I can take cover behind?) The_Director :: The bonfire remains? Niles_Niven :: (they are large enough?) The_Director :: If you lie down low enough... The_Director :: Enough talk, decide what you are doing. Niles_Niven dives towards the bonfire remains trying to get cover behind them. Daniel_Masters will take a step towards the window, open up the umbrella in the direction of his face, draw the sword and thrust it right through the umbrella at his face. Niles_Niven quickly pulls out his revolver from his coat and holds it to his chest... The_Director :: Niles, ok. Daniel, roll melee at -2 dice. Daniel_Masters rolled 9d10 dice and got: 2, 4, 6, 2, 3, 10, 5, 7, 2 Daniel_Masters :: (crud) Daniel_Masters :: (just 2 suxx) The_Director :: (crumbs, I forgot how good you were at that!) The_Director :: Roll damage. The_Director :: Str + 4 (+1) Daniel_Masters rolled 8d10 dice and got: 8, 3, 2, 7, 1, 8, 8, 1 Daniel_Masters :: (4) Zodiac_Killer rolled 4d10 dice and got: 3, 8, 6, 5 Zodiac_Killer is taken by surprise, especially by the blood dripping from his chest. Niles_Niven :: (lol) Zodiac_Killer :: You pitiful fools. Did you think I did not expect this? The_Director :: Initiatives folks. Daniel_Masters rolled 1d10 dice and got: 1 Zodiac_Killer rolled 1d10 dice and got: 6 Daniel_Masters :: (11) Zodiac_Killer :: (11) Niles_Niven rolled 1d10 dice and got: 9 Niles_Niven :: (9 + 4 + 6 =19) Daniel_Masters :: (+ intuitive facet) The_Director :: (I just realised that I did damage wrong... I'll fix it for next time). The_Director :: What are you doing, Niles? You cannot see the killer properly because of an umbrella. Niles_Niven gets up his gun at the ready and looks carefully at the scene (delaying his action). Zodiac_Killer will attempt to throw Daniel across the room while doing something to Niles. The_Director :: Daniel, you act at the same time, so what are you doing? Daniel_Masters :: (He's going to grab me or something ?) The_Director :: (something like that, yeah.) Daniel_Masters will lower the umbrella and attack again, this time a little more aimed. Daniel_Masters lowers the umbrella and strikes straight for the Zodiac Killer's heart. The_Director :: Ok, +2 difficult Daniel_Masters rolled 11d10 dice and got: 8, 2, 10, 4, 1, 1, 4, 8, 10, 3, 3 Daniel_Masters :: (2) The_Director :: Roll damage - 4. Daniel_Masters :: (So bare strength ?) The_Director :: This is how damage works in A! The_Director :: You subtract the soak *before* rolling damage. Daniel_Masters :: (That wasn't what I was asking.. actually.. I wonder how much damage I get from the blade..) The_Director :: (blade is +4) Daniel_Masters rolled 4d10 dice and got: 7, 1, 3, 4 Zodiac_Killer smiles as he grabs Daniel by the lapels and throws him across the room. Zodiac_Killer rolled 6d10 dice and got: 8, 4, 8, 3, 4, 3 Zodiac_Killer rolled 4d10 dice and got: 2, 1, 5, 7 The_Director :: Daniel: you fly across the room, take 1 point of bashing as you instinctively protect yourself but suffer a knockdown. Zodiac_Killer raises his left arm and a green bolt shoots out across the room towards the hiding Niles. Niles_Niven quickly throws himself towards the door dodging the bolt... The_Director :: roll Athletics, less if you are taking multiple actions. Zodiac_Killer rolled 5d10 dice and got: 2, 5, 6, 4, 8 Niles_Niven :: (not dodge ?) The_Director :: There is no separate dodge skill. Niles_Niven rolled 4d10 dice and got: 6, 6, 2, 3 Niles_Niven :: (yes I remembered... and this doesn't bode well) Zodiac_Killer is hindered by the bonfire and incinerates a book on keeping goldfish. The_Director :: Remember folks that you an spend inspiration to use your inspiration facets. Niles_Niven :: (oh I forgot that!) Daniel_Masters :: (I thought the +initiative thing was automatic) Niles_Niven opens his eyes wide... The_Director :: (it is, but there is a second use for each facet) The_Director :: Next round... Niles; Niles_Niven thinks Green flame from hands? Damn... it is either some crazy gadget or there is more to this apartment... Niles_Niven snaps a shot off at the Killer and dives towards the door... Niles_Niven rolled 2d10 dice and got: 6, 7 The_Director :: Go for it - you can get through the door as a free action. Niles_Niven :: (oh I’ll still split the die pool then...) Niles_Niven :: (the revolver is 6) The_Director :: Roll 1 damage die. Niles_Niven rolled 1d10 dice and got: 8 The_Director :: And your other action? Niles_Niven :: (oh I forgot about threat awareness...) The_Director :: (naw, that's over... you split your pool) Niles_Niven :: (I’ll delay it once I 'm in cover and only looking out with half my face...) Niles_Niven :: (so that I have cover) The-Director :: Daniel: roll athletics. The-Director :: (to stand up) Daniel_Masters rolled 6d10 dice and got: 6, 5, 1, 4, 8, 2 Daniel_Masters :: (1) Zodiac_Killer turns to face the mildly stunned Daniel and raises his left arm again... Zodiac_Killer rolled 5d10 dice and got: 4, 7, 2, 7, 2 Niles_Niven shoots him at this point The-Director :: Niles: roll 1 die... you *may* spend Willpower. Niles_Niven :: (1 Willpower) Niles_Niven rolled 1d10 dice and got: 4 The-Director :: and 1 damage dice Niles_Niven :: (1 die of damage?) Niles_Niven rolled 1d10 dice and got: 4 Niles_Niven :: (oh crap) Niles_Niven :: (pause!) Zodiac_Killer 's green ray hits Daniel full on in the chest. Niles_Niven :: (this is an old building, correct ?) Zodiac_Killer rolled 2d10 dice and got: 8, 4 Niles_Niven :: (I wanted to use dramatic editing... waaah!) The-Director :: Something seems to have melted on Daniel's chest... his body armour is no more and there is a sharp pain in his chest. The-Director :: 1 lethal. Daniel_Masters :: hmm.. The-Director :: The building is a new building. It was just cheap. Daniel_Masters :: (if I still have an action.. I'll charge the bastard.) The-Director :: Go ahead. Daniel_Masters dashes forward quickly and thrusts his sword at the Zodiac Killer . Daniel_Masters :: (normal attack) The-Director :: (-1 for wound penalties) Daniel_Masters :: (I'm just bruised) The-Director :: (total of 1 bashing, 1 lethal and no body armour...) Daniel_Masters rolled 11d10 dice and got: 9, 5, 4, 9, 1, 10, 3, 9, 8, 7, 6 Daniel_Masters :: (forgot the bashing) Daniel_Masters :: (aargh) Daniel_Masters :: (never mind that roll) The-Director :: (forget it... just take that) Daniel_Masters :: (6 suxx) The-Director :: so Str + 4 +5 -4 Daniel_Masters :: (I'll turf down a point of Willpower and ignore the pain.) Daniel_Masters rolled 8d10 dice and got: 8, 7, 9, 10, 1, 1, 7, 7 Daniel_Masters :: (6 suxx) Niles_Niven :: (6... there goes a hand) Zodiac_Killer clutches at his hand as his blood spreads around the room, and then falls out the window he came through. Zodiac_Killer screams his fool head off. Niles_Niven runs to Daniel... Niles_Niven :: Are you okay? Niles_Niven runs past him his gun ready and looks out the window trying to see where the killer fell. Zodiac_Killer is lying on the road with a smile on his face. Zodiac_Killer dissolves into mud. Niles_Niven :: What the heck! Niles_Niven slumps down... Niles_Niven :: This is... real... weird stuff... Niles_Niven :: This has to be the weirdest yet... Daniel_Masters nods and then groans. Niles_Niven walks over to Daniel and tries to see if he is okay... Niles_Niven :: He just... turned into mud! The-Director :: Daniel's chest has a small burn mark on it. Niles_Niven looks as if he is a schoolboy that was just surprised that a mathematical problem could be so simply solved... The-Director :: It is in the shape of a crossed arrow. Niles_Niven :: ... wow... the first one in 3 months... Niles_Niven puts his head aside... Niles_Niven checks the wound... Niles_Niven :: hmmm Daniel_Masters :: Hey, be careful with that. Niles_Niven :: Odd... Niles_Niven :: (Does it look like it was burned or like something penetrated?) The-Director :: Burned. Daniel_Masters :: Niles, are you a Sagittarius ? Niles_Niven :: ... me checks the pyre for anything else left... Niles_Niven :: ... huh...why? Niles_Niven :: No I am not... Daniel_Masters :: Because I am not. The-Director :: Nothing much. Niles_Niven :: He doesn't kill only people who are of a sign. Niles_Niven :: But this was his base... Niles_Niven :: your missing driver may be the killer... Niles_Niven :: or he may have known him... Niles_Niven :: for I don't believe he would be here if he wasn't... Niles_Niven checks where the Zodiac was standing trying to find blood or some clue that he was actually there... Daniel_Masters :: Make it quick. The-Director :: Where his blood landed, is now only mud. Niles_Niven :: Yes... we should move... The-Director :: In the distance, the cathedral clock strikes midnight. The day has ended. Daniel_Masters :: Oh.. and you were here with the Black Knight. Nick change: The-Director -> Picks-at-Flies Niles_Niven :: ... I think that is what he concluded as well... Niles_Niven says worriedly... Nick change: Daniel_Masters -> d1ng0 Niles_Niven :: and the plot thickens... even more ;) Nick change: d1ng0 -> Daniel_Masters Picks-at-Flies :: Well, Dingo obviously found a guide to the zodiac... I leave it for the downtime for you to think about *all* the connotations. Zodiac_Killer kicked from #agww by Daniel_Masters: For being big bastard. Nick change: Daniel_Masters -> d1ng0 Niles_Niven :: Well I should probably look into it as well. Niles_Niven :: But I must admit that I am quite unfamiliar with it. Nick change: Niles_Niven -> Asm0dai Picks-at-Flies :: Dingo, with the medical care at your disposal, you will heal that bruised quick as a flash and the burn should heal up quickly too. Picks-at-Flies :: Lucky you had that armour on, really. Picks-at-Flies :: You might need a new suit, too. Picks-at-Flies :: The Willpower, however, is not replaced since you did not really kill the Zodiac Killer. This is fictional setting. Although it may feature real people, organisations and places, they are mentioned in an entirely fictional manner.
Logs courtesy of Stayka |